Thursday, September 29, 2011

cakes and mooncakes

So I am almost done for the week, but I still have LTB project interview tomorrow and ocsp car wash on sunday and a whole jam packed day on saturday hence I can't really take any break yet.

 but anyway today was thursdays with pinghui again! because we wanted to get free koi given out by bondue, we abandoned our plan to go back hc for zhajiang mian and instead went to sunshine for thai food. Phad thai again! im gna be so sick of it during december.
Anyway in the end we didnt manage to get the koi, had to share 1 btw us because they ran out of it so fast! roarr i thought it would be unlimited hahaha or at least 100 right?? business school has so many people.

Some random FOODIE photos lying on my desktop:

 Cakes from Bonheur Patisserie at Duxton. Looks cute but nothing impressive, really. Too overpriced :(
Gotta go try the one at raffles city soon~

 Champagne White Chocolate Snowskin mooncake from Goodwood Park!
dam awesomeeeeeeeeeeee.

 Thats the white chocolate ball in the middle! totally infused with champagne too good too good but one small piece costs like $8 alr :(

tomorrow night my longest/oldest friend will be flying away :( i feel kinda sad now.